The Deneault Legacy

The Deneault Legacy

Friday, November 16, 2012

Generation I: Chapter III

Day Five

Things are going well in this new place, despite my having my doubts. I've come to the conclusion I quite like it here. Sunlit Tides is nothing like France, to be sure, and the other Sims look at me somewhat strangely when I greet them by kissing their cheeks. *giggle* Somehow, they take it rather well anyway, even if they don't quite understand it.

The full moon came and went yesterday. I had surprise visitors.

NOT MY LETTUCE! She cried when she realised it was dead.

I learned to build a fence around my basement stairs. Apparently, zombies will come down the stairs while I'm sleeping and eat my lettuce plant. I had to replant that one, but I still have the tomato plant, fully matured by now and ready to produce crop any time now. Hopefully, that gives me a bit more of a bonus income than I've been getting. My journalism career isn't shabby on income however: I've already managed to cover all my necessities with only a little trouble.

Playing with the laser.

And zombies aren't the only thing that will come down the stairs if given the chance. Apparently, a stray cat decided my basement looked like a nice place to hang out. I spent some time socialising with him, and we played with the laser a little.

The beaches are beautiful. Even though I can't spend much time out there on the beach during the day, I still watch the waves from my windows. The sunlight sparkling on the water is breathtaking, if a little dangerous for me.

Oh, I didn't tell you yet? I have a house! Finally, I'm no longer stuck in a basement.

Nothing much, but it's home!

Isn't it wonderful!

I earned another promotion at work. I'm now a writer, a great achievement. Now, I have to interview others so that I can write better stories. I decided to hit a local hotspot, hoping to find someone to interview, and ran into Talei while I was there. Talei and I had met at the park a few days ago, and I think I intimidated her a little, so i decided to apologise. While we were talking, I noticed a witch behind us practising magic: what an interesting interview that would make, and perhaps an interesting friend!

Sorry I'm kind of... freaky... silver vampire eyes make for freaky effects.

Strangely, she was the first Sim to be greeted with my customary French cheek kissing and not be weirded out by it at all! Instead, she rolled with it as if she were French too. Perhaps I may have found another Frenchwoman? We talked for some time about gardening, and I learned a bit from her that may help my own small fledgling garden.

She went right along with it!

Much to my joy, she agreed to be my first interview! Unfortunately, we ended up staying awake until the wee hours of the morning because of it, but I was right, she did make an interesting first interview, and I may see if I can find her again for a chat!

Interviewing the Witch

If my family's name is to live up to its prior glory once again, I'll need to find a suitable mate. Our family is matriarchal, as many vampiric families are in France, so there's no need for such things as marriage. After all, my children must be Deneaults, not... whatever my mate's last name may end up being.

Well, it's been a late night. There's much excitement ahead, and perhaps I'll begin the search for a man who can handle a woman of my many talents. Hee hee. Adieu!

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